Robert Engilman
Chief Compliance Officer
Robert Engilman is Senior Vice President and the Chief Compliance Officer for Westlake. He joined the Westlake team in 2015. In his role at Westlake, he is directly responsible for the Compliance Department, Operational Audit, and Corporate Training. He has a successful track record in several leadership and management roles. Further, he has managed numerous Legal and Compliance initiatives in his previous positions.
Robert was most recently the President and Chief Operating Officer for Persolve, LLC, a national debt buying and collections group. At that position, among other duties and responsibilities, he created and oversaw the establishment of all internal company policies, procedures and manuals including those necessary to comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”), TILA (“Truth-in-Lending Act”), and the California Fair Debt Buying Practices Act. He architected the company’s Compliance Management System to meet the guidelines created by the CFPB for debt buyers and 3rd party collection groups.
Prior to his tenure at Persolve, LLC, he was the Chief Legal Counsel for Quality Home Loans and, among his many duties as Chief Legal Counsel, oversaw the compliance and audit team, in addition to reviewing and approving all regulatory legal interpretations, operating policies and manuals for the company and, corporate training. Before that, he was General Counsel for a national 3rd party debt collection firm, representing many of the industry’s largest creditors, including Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC/Santander, City National Bank and Cash Call. While there, he established compliance systems to meet FDCPA and FCRA guidelines.
Moreover, Robert has both a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.). He has been a lawyer licensed in California since 1993. He is a member of the United States District Courts in the Central, Southern and Eastern Districts of California. Also, he has been a member of the DBA International, ACA International, National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys, California Association of Collectors, California Creditors Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar Association, and the San Fernando Valley Bar Association. He has compliance certifications from the National Automotive Finance Association (Certified Consumer Credit Compliance Professional) and DBA International (Certified Receivables Compliance Professional). He has spoken at conferences, most recently, about “Managing Consumer Complaints” at the 17th Annual DBA International Conference.